14th July 2016 – h. 9,30  at Stintino Saline new structure for environmental education
Workshop: “Life Programme and new possibilities to improve scientific knowledge “
With the participation of University of Sassari

14th July 2016 – h. 18,30  at Stintino Saline new structure for environmental education
Workshop: “Life SteRNA: conservation only for birds target species or a real opportunity even for fish population? Comparing ideas”
Cooperativa dei Pescatori and Conservatoria delle Coste with the participation of GAC – Coastal Action Groups of Sardegna
16th July 2016 h. 18,30 at Stintino Saline new structure for environmental education
Workshop: “Combine nature conservation and tourist fruition: Life SteRNA a new approach”
With the participation of tourists and tourist operators
29th July 2016 h. 10,30  at Stintino Municipality building
Final project Conference: what has been done, presentation of post Life activity and signature of the Agreement on Network activity
29th July 2016 h. 18,30 at Stintino Saline new structure for environmental education
Workshop: “Nature conservation in favour of citizens and local population: Life SteRNA”.
With the participation of Associations